

How to Get Private Mortgage Insurance


Private mortgage insurance (PMI) is an important part of getting a conventional loan with a low down payment. It helps protect lenders if a borrower can’t pay back their loan. There are two main types of PMI: borrower-paid mortgage insurance (BPMI) and lender-paid mortgage insurance (LPMI), each with its own features and effects. The cost of PMI can be affected by different things, like how much money you put down upfront and how good your credit is. It’s also important to know how to get rid of PMI and look into other ways to avoid it completely, so you can save money on your loan in the long run.

1. Understanding Borrower-Paid Mortgage Insurance (BPMI)

Private mortgage insurance (PMI) is an essential part of getting a conventional loan with a low down payment. It helps lenders manage the risk of lending to borrowers who don’t have the traditional 20% down payment. There are two main types of PMI – borrower-paid mortgage insurance (BPMI) and lender-paid mortgage insurance (LPMI) – each with its own features and things to consider.

1.1 What is BPMI?

Borrower-paid mortgage insurance (BPMI) works by requiring borrowers to pay monthly premiums, which are then added to their mortgage payments. These premiums increase the overall cost of borrowing and are based on factors like how much of the property’s value you’re borrowing (loan-to-value ratio) and how creditworthy you are.

1.2 What Affects the Cost of BPMI?

Several factors can affect how much you’ll pay for BPMI:

  • Down payment size: Making a larger down payment can lower your BPMI costs.
  • Credit score: Having a higher credit score generally means lower BPMI premiums.
  • Loan type: Different types of loans may have different BPMI rates.

Typically, BPMI costs between 0.2% and 2% of the loan amount each year. It’s important for borrowers to understand how these factors can impact their total mortgage expenses.

2. Understanding Lender-Paid Mortgage Insurance (LPMI)

Lender-Paid Mortgage Insurance (LPMI) is an alternative to Borrower-Paid Mortgage Insurance (BPMI). While BPMI requires borrowers to pay monthly premiums, LPMI involves the lender absorbing the cost of insurance. Here’s a comprehensive overview of LPMI and how it differs from BPMI:

1. Cost and implementation:

  • Unlike BPMI, where borrowers pay monthly premiums, LPMI allows lenders to cover the cost of insurance.
  • Lenders can choose to charge a slightly higher interest rate on the loan to offset the cost of insurance or opt for a one-time payment at closing.

2. How it works:

  • With LPMI, borrowers won’t see an additional premium added to their monthly mortgage payment like they would with BPMI.
  • Instead, the cost of insurance is factored into the overall loan terms, which can result in a slightly higher interest rate for the borrower.

For those borrowers who do not want to be making monthly PMI payments LPMI may look like an attractive option to them. However, it is advised that one weighs the pros against cons of this plan as compared to other options such as BPMI or even making larger down payments.

Paid Mortgage Insurance (LPMI)

3. The Role of Private Mortgage Insurance in Loan Approval

When applying for a conventional loan, borrowers who have less than 20% to use as a down payment on a property often discover that private mortgage insurance (PMI) is necessary. This acts as a way for lenders to protect themselves against potential losses if the borrower fails to repay the loan. PMI ensures that lenders will be reimbursed for any financial setbacks they experience when the borrower is unable to make their monthly mortgage payments.

3.1 How PMI Benefits Lenders and Borrowers

  • For Lenders: PMI serves as a safety net, allowing them to offer loans to individuals with smaller down payments while still minimizing their own risks.
  • For Borrowers: Those who cannot raise a large sum of money toward buying a house can still get conventional loans through PMI.

3.2 Why PMI Is Required for Some Loans

When borrowers are unable to provide a 20% down payment, lenders view them as having a higher risk of defaulting on the loan. To offset this risk, lenders require PMI as an added layer of protection. Without PMI, many borrowers would be unable to meet the strict criteria set by lenders and wouldn’t qualify for a conventional loan.

3.3 The Benefits of PMI for Borrowers

  • Access to Homeownership:

Through PMI, borrowers can enter the real estate sooner or later and become homeowners as they always wanted.

  • Lower Upfront Costs:

Instead of waiting years to save up for a 20% down payment, borrowers can purchase a home with a smaller initial investment.

  • Opportunity for Equity Building:

While paying monthly PMI premiums, borrowers can still build equity in their home through appreciation and principal payments.

How PMI Enables Lower Down Payments

By requiring PMI, more people are enabled to buy homes and become homeowners because lenders are able to reduce their exposure to risk by lending money with lower down payments. This means that without PMI many borrowers could not have qualified for conventional loan due to the hefty deposit rule it has.

The Role of PMI in Loan Approval

Essentially, PMI acts as a safety net for lenders that allows them to offer credit facilities to individuals who lack substantial upfront cash but have the ability to pay back over a period. It adds another level of protection and reassurance for the lender making it possible to approve lower down payment loans.


PMI plays a vital part in loan approvals, allowing lenders to accept applications from borrowers who cannot put down 20% and still protect themselves against loss. Through understanding how PMI functions and its place in loan transactions, homemakers can navigate the process with more ease and knowledgeably choose their mortgage alternatives.

4. Factors Affecting the Cost of Private Mortgage Insurance

Cost of Private Mortgage Insurance

Here are the main factors that can affect how much you’ll pay for PMI:

  • Down payment size: In most cases, if your down payment on a home is larger, then your PMI payments should be lower. In the eyes of lenders, this means you are financially stable and have a lower risk profile.
  • Credit score: People having higher credit scores will usually get lower PMI rates than others do because such scores indicate financial responsibility hence low chances of loan default.
  • Loan type: Different loans will have different PMI terms applicable. Notably, conventional mortgages stipulate when PMI must be removed (usually upon achieving 20% home equity). Whereas FHA mortgage insurance payments are required throughout the financing period.

Knowing such things can help you have an idea of how much PMI you might have to pay. So that you make an informed decision about your mortgage choice.

5. Tax Considerations for PMI Payments

Homeowners might benefit regarding taxes on PMI. One key consideration is the ability to deduct private mortgage insurance premiums during a given year of taxation.

6. Managing and Removing Private Mortgage Insurance

PMI removal criteria

Borrowers may be able to have their PMI cancelled or automatically terminated under certain conditions, such as:

  • Reaching a specific loan-to-value ratio
  • Making additional mortgage payments to build equity

Alternatives to PMI

Borrowers could explore alternatives to traditional PMI coverage, including:

  • Lender-paid options
  • Piggyback loans
  • Specialized loan programs like those offered by the VA or USDA


It’s crucial to understand PMI because it can greatly affect the total borrowing cost when getting a mortgage. Remember these key points:

Understanding PMI is crucial: It’s essential to grasp how PMI functions when securing a home loan, as it can significantly impact the overall cost of borrowing.

Collaboration with lenders: Encourage readers to collaborate closely with their lenders and thoroughly explore all available options to ensure they are securing the most favorable terms in relation to PMI coverage.

By Admin

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